Just a short 2 years ago, I was struggling to make ends meet like so many moms out there. No matter how I tweaked my budget, I just couldn't get it in the black, there was literally not enough money in my salary to cover my bills.

It was around that time that a friend of mine introductd me to the Annique range of products. While my first reaction was one of "hell no, I am not a sales person..." I quickly came to appreciate that there really isn't much selling involved at all!

Annique taught me that it's about networking, socialising and making new friends first - the sales roll in, as a benefit of following their simple and proven business model.

Within 2 years, I'd progressed to winning awards (including an overseas trip), based on my sales and performance. In early 2011, I won and all expenses paid trip to the Baltic Islands based on my team's sales for the year. It's been phenomenal!!

I've gone from being despondent to motivated, inspired and of course financially secure. I've built a wonderful team of women to support me and whom I support and have developed my own unique approach to the market place, promoting a range of products specifically for women. You'd be amazed at how easy it is!

I take pride in my business and in the women who sign up as part of my growing team. We are exactly that, a team. I only take on dynamic, motivated ladies, who want to succeed and aren't afraid of carving out their own futures.

Join me today and let me help you map out your own person path to success.


You can contact me on  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or on my cell 074 239 9593. I look forward to hearing from you.