Arnie Williams Foundation

The Arnie Williams Foundation, for abused women, men and children was founded in December 2005.
The founder, Arnie Williams' goal was to create a full and comprehensive facility to cater for the needs of the abused. The facility aims to be a controlled enviroment that will drive the abuse process from inception to the first steps of recovery.
Their Mission Statement
To be recognised as a multi-skilled service provider that will contribute to the eradication of all forms of abuse against women, men and children, in order to enhance their quality of life.
Their Vision
With passion, helping to create a safe society and not to be tolerant of abuse of any kind or against anyone. The Arnie Williams Foundation commits itself and its members to ensure that every abuse victim that enters through the doors of the foundation, will be made to feel safe and that the process regarding the abuse is made as painless as humanly possible.
Jess Ford Foundation

Durbanite Jessica Foord became a heroine to many South Africans when she showed courage and selflessness by establishing The Jes Foord Foundation (JFF), following her traumatic rape by four men in 2008.
One of her initiatives is the Handbag Project. New or used handbags are donated, containing items that can assist a rape victim during the initial reporting process at the police station. These are things such as a facecloth, soap, deodorant spray, new underwear, etc. Typically, any item of clothing with forensic evidence on it must be taken from the rape victim, at a time she already feels so vulnerable. She then must undergo physical examination before being allowed to shower.
A handbag with ‘comfort’ items in it can go a long way in helping the victim feel a little better. The most important item in the bag however, is a letter with a few words of encouragement to restore some hope to the victim during this traumatic time. Jes said it can be a few words or an essay but something from your heart to theirs i.e. “No matter what has happened you are special, and please don’t let anyone take that away from you. You can, and will, get through this. There are so many people who really care and will help you gain your strength. This gift is given to you with love from Louise”. When you are at your lowest, just receiving the bag with all the goodies, a simple gift that can give you hope which is a fundamental step in recovery.