Rooibos: A multi-wonder
It is well known that the benefits of Rooibos tea extend far beyond the seams of the actual teabag. Worldwide scientific research was done on this indigenous South African herb, Rooibos, over the past 20 years.
Other benefits of Rooibos include:
Asset for Physically Active
Rooibos is believed to quickly replace sodium chloride lost through sweating. The tea has also become a respectable alternative to cold refreshments for sportsmen, manual workers or other people who labour under high physical strain, due to the proportion of mineral nutrients and micro nutrients in Rooibos
Preventing Cancer
Flavonoids in Rooibos work as antioxidants – a major protagonist in preventing cancer – as well as in slowing down its progress. Research found that, as a major cause of cancer is damage of the genetic material, the rising level of glutathione associated with Rooibos tea could prevent genetic damages from happening. Due to a polyphenic-rich extract in Rooibos, this indicates potential for use in cosmeceuticals for sun protection and as part of a strategy for preventing non-melanoma skin cancers in humans.
Boosts Immune System
Scientists believe that antioxidants in Rooibos significantly elevate antioxidant levels in blood, boosting the body’s internal defence system against disease. Antioxidants protect the living body from the deleterious effects of free radicals.
Slowing Ageing Process
Laboratory studies and studies done with animals show that the tea could possibly slow the ageing process, including the progression of dementia.
Lower Risk of Heart Disease
Researchers also found that biomarkers associated with cardio-vascular disease are significantly reduced by drinking Rooibos tea.
May Control Diabetes
A study in Japan found that aspalathin in Rooibos tea helped to improve the glucose uptake of muscle cells in Type 2 diabetes, thus helping to maintain normal blood sugar levels.
Fights Allergies
Rooibos can help fight allergies by boosting the production of cytochrome P450, an important enzyme that helps to metabolise allergens. Japanese researchers found that when Rooibos is consumed regularly as a beverage, it helps to improve the allergy status as a result of the increased levels of this enzyme in the body.
Soothing Stomach Cramps and Colic
Anecdotal evidence also suggests that Rooibos acts as a digestive aid and anti-spasmodic, thereby relieving stomach cramps and colic in babies, as well as symptoms associated with pancreatic sufferers. Rooibos is also used to relieve nervous tension and stomach and bowel irritation, easing the painful symptoms of urinary system diseases such as prostitis and cystitis.
Lowering Blood Pressure
Chrysoeriol in Rooibos acts affectively as a bronchodilator, with an associated effect on lowering blood pressure and relieving spasms.
Replacing Hormones
Plant-derived oestrogen, Phytoestrogen, has the potential as an alternative for oestrogens in hormone replacement therapy.
Soothes Skin Irritations and Acne
Rooibos helps to soothe skin irritations and is also excellent for skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis or dermatitis. It helps to soothe nappy rash and improves acne. Rooibos tea contains no harmful chemicals or preservatives, which may produce allergic reactions or further skin damage. Rooibos contains zinc, which is essential to the skin’s metabolism, as well as its own natural alphahydroxy acid, which is believed to smooth and refine fine lines and wrinkles.
Pumping Iron
Rooibos has a low tannin content (only 1 - 4%), which means that it doesn’t inhibit the absorption of iron (something that black tea does).
Protecting the Liver
Researchers in Spain found evidence that Rooibos protects the liver against the accumulation of fat and can help to prevent metabolic disease. It also helps to reduce cholesterol, tryglycerides and free fatty acids.
Rooibos tea can possibly aid in the relief of heartburn, as it has antispasmodic properties which have been known to calm heartburn.
Help for Insomnia
Rooibos tea is frequently used as a natural home remedy to help insomnia.
100% Good
To conclude: Researchers know of no side effects associated with the use of Rooibos tea, so it can be consumed freely. It is also safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women and young children.
Rooibos Tea
The following scientific research was done on Rooibos with exceptional results:
• Rooibos is very high in antioxidants, especially green Rooibos, which means the levels of antioxidants are higher than black, green or honeybush tea.
• Rooibos can prevent and treat vascular diseases
• Rooibos can promote a healthy heart
• Rooibos can treat high blood pressure
• Rooibos can increase hair growth
• Rooibos has anti-cancer properties
• Rooibos is beneficial in treatment of acne
• Rooibos contains no caffeine
• Rooibos is low in tannin
• Rooibos helps with nervous tension, allergies and digestive problems
• Rooibos alleviates baby colic, allergies, asthma and skin problems
• Rinsing with Rooibos can protect your skin against infections and fungus
• Rinsing your skin with Rooibos can prevent and alleviate acne and skin irritations
• There is an extract of Rooibos used for the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes
• New research is being done to investigate the plant-derived estrogens in Rooibos for their potential as an alternative to estrogens in hormone replacement therapy … so this is one to really keep an eye on …
• Acts as “chemopreventors” in skin cancer as external application could possibly suppress tumour growth
• Further research into Rooibos has shown it suppresses mutations and as such potentially prevents cancer
• Rooibos has a calming effect on the digestive system
• Further research is being done on Rooibos as a bronchodilator which goes with lowering blood pressure and relieving spasms
• The Japanese found an immuneboosting ingredient
• Rooibos has huge anti-ageing effects
• And lastly, no negative or adverse effects
Green Rooibos Tea

• More antioxidants than normal Rooibos tea
• More aspalathin – the anti-allergic flavonoid
• Anti–spasmodic
• Eases digestive upset
• Lowers cholesterol and high blood pressure
• Relieves stomach pains and heartburn
• Soothes diarrhoea
• Slows down the ageing process
• Boosts immune system
• Anti-inflammatory
Rooibos Stomach Team
• Contains mint (Mentha Longifolia)
• Helps to soothe headaches and pain: bronchial infections, fever, colds, stomach disorders, worms in the intestines, infections and colic.
• Helps to induce perspiration and to improve menstrual flow.
• Mint has antiseptic qualities
• Helps with digestion
• Soothes a sore throat
• Anti-inflammatory
Rooibos Bladder & Kidney Tea
• Contains Mountain Buchu
• Bladder infections, digestive problems, colds and flu
• Aromatic and antiseptic. Helps to soothe sinus, fever, diabetes and water retention
• Helps to get rid of excess fluid by producing more urine
• Buchu helps to remove excess gasses from the intestines, a urinary antiseptic
• Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not use Buchu
Recommended for:
• Prostate problems
• Stomach aches
• Heartburn
• Antiseptic – use to treat wounds
• Inflammation of the colon
• Inflammation of gums
Rooibos Night Rest Tea
• Contains Melissa leaves
• Promotes a good night’s rest
• Anti-spasmodic and calming, anti-depressant effect
• Treats hysteria and insomnia
• Uplifting and soothing in times of grief, trauma and depression
• Helps to relieve cramps, fever, headaches, migraine, toothache, spasms, asthma and indigestion
• Soothes the nerves
Rooibos Relax Tea
• Contains Wild Jasmine
• Promotes relaxation
• Enhances immune system
• Improves energy levels
• Improves concentration levels
• Lowers stress levels
Rooibos Colon Cleanse Tea
• Contains Senna, a cleansing herb
• Helps to treat constipation
• Pregnant women may use senna only under the supervision of a medical doctor.
• Helps to ease irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
• Assists in treating acne and intestinal parasites
• Use in conjunction with Detox, Green Rooibos and Metabolism Tea to assist in effective weightloss
Rooibos Detox Tea
• Contains ginger root
• Assists with digestion, detox, nausea and motion sickness
• Treats ulcers
• Possesses anti-infl ammatory properties that could relieve symptoms of arthritis
• Fights off and alleviates symptoms of colds and flu
• Weightloss - increases metabolism and improves fat digestion
• An immune booster and antioxidant
• Boosts and improves circulation
• Removes toxins from organs
Rooibos Metabolism Tea
• Contains Fennel
Benefits of fennel:
• Helps to stimulate metabolism
• Helps to suppress appetite and desire for sweet foods
• Helps to improve eyesight
• Helps to relax the intestines
• Helps to reduce bloating caused by digestive disorders
• An effective diuretic
• Helps to treat hypertension
• Only effective for weightloss in conjunction with an energy controlled diet, and increase in physical activity and exercise
• Pregnant and breastfeeding women – should consult a medical doctor before using Metabolism Tea